
The River Hamble Mooring Holders Association represents the users of all moorings on the River Hamble. Membership is open to anyone interested in the River and its management.

Formed in 1999 by mooring holders concerned by disproportionate increases in mooring charges, the Association has gone from strength to strength, working to address areas of concern to mooring holders and the users of the River Hamble. We have established good working relationships with Hampshire County Council and the Crown Estate, we attend Harbour Board meetings, are members of the Hamble Estuary Partnership and Solent Protection Society, and collaborate with other interested bodies, including local Yacht Clubs and Parish Councils. 

As primarily local, like minded people, we support each other, watch out for developments of concern, raising challenges where impact on river users is identified. Recently we responded to the threat of a marina expansion into mid-river moorings, and worked with the Harbour Authorities and the Crown Estate to highlight concerns around the loss of secondary navigation channels, and the potential loss of lower-cost moorings that help keep sailing affordable to all. During the lockdown periods we acted as a voice for mooring holders, liaising with the Harbour Master to ensure owners would be allowed to visit and check on the safety of their boats.

A committee runs the Association, elected at an Annual General Meeting. We provide representation at management meetings and wider fora, and keep members updated with new and developing issues. Our strength is in our membership, so please consider joining us. Membership is £8 for the year.

Membership Application form

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