1.0 Name and objectives
1.1. The name shall be the River Hamble Mooring Holders Association (“Association”).
1.2. The objectives for which the association is formed are: –
1.2.1. To represent the interests of Members jointly or individually as Mooring Holders on the River Hamble or as people on the waiting list for such a mooring and /or as other river users.
1.2 .2. To maintain contact with and to support the Royal Yachting Association’s Moorings and Marinas Panel and other associations with similar objectives.
1.2 .3. To keep members informed of any matters relating to their interests concerning the River Hamble and the management thereof.
1.2 .4. To promote such facilities and services for members as may from time to time be determined.
2.0. Officers of the Association
The Officers shall be members of the Association and shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall arrange deputies as needed, from among, and by agreement with, the members of the committee. Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (A G M) in each year. Officers shall hold office for one year and shall retire at the AGM in each year. All officers shall be eligible for re-election.
3.0. Duties of the Secretaries
The Secretary shall make arrangements for himself or herself or a member or members of the committee to: –
3.1. Keep a register of Members’ names and addresses.
3.2. Manage the correspondence of the Association.
3.3. Keep custody of all Association documents.
3.4. Keep full minutes of all meetings open to the full membership of the Association and any working parties. These shall be signed and confirmed by the appropriate Chairman at the next meeting of the Association or other groups described in this sub-paragraph.
3.5. Keep, or arrange for records to be kept, of the Committee, any Sub-Committee or Working Party of Members for acceptance at the next meeting.
3.6. Carry out such other duties as may from time to time be required to ensure the smooth and lawful running of the Association.
4.0. Duties of the treasurer
The Treasurer shall: –
4.1. Cause such books of account to be kept as may from time to time be necessary to give a fair and true view of the state of the association’s finances.
4.2. Cause all returns as may be required in relation to such accounts to be rendered at the due time.
4.3. Open and operate a bank or building society account in the name of the Association and on behalf of the Association.
4.4. Arrange annually for the independent checking of the accounts by someone outside the Association’s Committee.
4.5. Prepare an annual balance sheet each year and cause such balance sheet and the accounts as necessary to be checked at least once annually and thereafter to cause the same to be circulated to members at the AGM or earlier if reasonably necessary.
5.0. Membership
5.1. There shall be the following categories of members: –
An “A” Member: Being a person who at the date of joining is the direct holder of a mooring licence or licences issued by The Crown Estate in or by, or for, its agents in relation to one or more moorings on the River Hamble. For the purposes of this subsection only “person” shall include a body corporate, a business partnership or a sailing or boating club but such organisations shall be restricted to one vote per organisation and shall be liable to pay only one membership subscription fee in each year.
A “B” Member: Being a person who at the date of joining is the sub-licensee of a mooring licence granted to a person, or body, who would qualify as an “A” Member by The Crown Estate
A “C” Member: Being a person waiting on a recognised waiting list for a mooring currently held by either an “A” Member or a “B” Member PROVIDED THAT the number of “C” Members from time to time shall not be permitted to exceed ten per cent (10 %) of the total number of “A” and “B” Members combined.
A “D” Member: Being a person who is co-owner of any vessel owned by an “A” “B” or “C” Member.
An “E” Member: Being a person who supports the objectives of the Association.
An Honorary Member: being a person who shall be nominated and elected in accordance with Rule 20 herein below.
5.2. Voting rights: “A” “B” and “C” Members shall be fully entitled to vote when present in person at all meetings of the Association or may nominate a member of the committee to act as their proxy. D and E MEMBERS and honorary members shall have no vote at meetings of the Association.
5.3. Officers: Any class of member other than an honorary member may be elected as an officer of the Association or may serve on the committee of the Association.
5.4. All officers and members of the Committee of the Association shall be fully entitled to vote at meetings of the committee.
6.0. Membership Subscription Fee.
A standard subscription fee shall be paid by members of all classes. The amount of the fee shall be proposed by the committee to the members annually at the AGM. Any proposed changes shall be approved by a simple majority of members entitled to vote and voting in person or by proxy. Any change in the membership subscription fee shall then take effect immediately. Fees shall be paid within the two calender months following the date of the AGM in each year.
7.0 Members duty to provide an up-to-date address.
Every member shall furnish the Secretary with an up to date address which shall be recorded in the Register of Members’ and any notice sent to such address by ordinary post shall be deemed to have been duly delivered.
8.0. Joining the Association.
Any person entitled to any class of membership other than Honorary Members shall be entitled to join the Association and shall be elected immediately upon notification to the Secretary or Treasurer and the tendering of a completed membership registration form together with payment of the membership subscription fee.
9.0. Subscription arrears.
The Committee may cancel without notice the Membership of any Member whose membership subscription fee is more than three months in arrears provided that the Committee may at its discretion re-instate such Member upon full payment of the arrears. No Member whose subscription is in arrears may vote in person or by proxy at any meeting of the Association.
10.0. Expulsion of members.
Any conduct which in the opinion of the Committee is either unworthy of a Member or otherwise injurious to the interests of the Association shall render that person liable for expulsion from the Association by the Committee provided that before expelling any Member the Committee shall call upon that Member to make a full explanation of the Members ‘ conduct and shall give the Member concerned a full and fair opportunity of making explanation to the Committee or of resigning. A resolution to expel a Member should be carried by a simple majority of those members of the Committee present and entitled to vote on the resolution.
11.0. Data Protection Act.
Membership of the Association shall be deemed to constitute consent by each and every Member of the Association to the holding of personal data by the Association for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1984 but for no other purpose.