
June 2024

Farnham Borough Council have started a clear up of abandoned boats and kayaks that had been left on Swanwick hard slipway. A large green skip is currently on the slipway.

Abandoned boats

March 2024

The annual increases in Harbour Dues and licence payments to the Crown Estate are announced in the middle of each year, but taking effect from November onwards. We have tracked changes in both charges over the past eight years, and mapped them against annual inflation measured by RPI and CPI figures for the year when the increase was announced (CPI is the more accurate measure of inflation).

For ease, the increases are coloured green where the increase was less than CPI, red where greater, and black where the same.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
RPI 1.8 3.6 3.3 2.6 1.5 4.1 11.6 9.7
CPI 0.7 2.7 2.5 1.8 0.9 2.6 9.1 7.3
Harbour Dues (for next 0 0 1.5 5 2 1 1 3
Crown Estate year) 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0 2.5 5 5

There were two years where increases were more than CPI, and six years where the increase was less. However comparing the increase in Harbour Dues against those of the Crown Estate showed that on average, Harbour Dues have increased 1.69% p/a, while Crown Estate fees have increased 2.94% on average: nearly double.

We submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the Marine Business Strategic Group of the Crown Estate for more information on their methodology for fee setting and were told:

  • The River Hamble is unique in being the only coastal area where The Crown Estate own the mooring infrastructure.
  • There are no publicly available documents, formal business plans or strategy that drives charging decisions behind the annual increases.
  • Instead, each decision is assessed on a case-by-case basis considering the current market, inflation, and other variable factors.

Regrettably the accounts related to the income and expenditure on the River Hamble are deemed commercially sensitive and the Crown Estate has used s.12(5)(e) of the Environmental Information Regulations to claim an exemption on providing these, so we are unable to identify exact spending, and profit margin on the licence fees charged.

2023 Annual General Meeting

The 2023 AGM of the River Hamble Mooring Holders Association will be held at 20:00 hours on Saturday the 30th of December 2023 at Bursledon Village Hall, Long Lane, Bursledon, SO31 8BZ.

All existing members are invited to attend. Prospective members are also welcome.

January 2023

The Hamble Peninsular Residents Group (HPRG) is a group set up to fight the proposed Hamble Airfield Quarry,  and have highlighted concerns that the dust and airborne particulates generated by quarrying may have an impact on mooring holders. The proposed 67 hectare quarry is expected to be operational for 15 years.

The potential for impact to mooring holders is related to varnish work and gelcoat, as well as accumulation of additional airborne matter. The acidic and corrosive effects of the sulphur fall-out from Fawley have been well known, however the erosive effects of hard sand particles will add to the general mix. These hard sand particles will be trodden-in to grind away gelcoat. This potential damage could seriously undermine and devalue the berths near the immediate vicinity of the Quarry, namely around the Mercury Marina area of the River.

Submissions to object to this planning application need to be with the Hampshire County Council by midnight of the 16th January 2023.

★ Online: (click the ‘Agree’ button at the bottom of the page to accept the terms & conditions, to access the online submissions form).
★ Email: Quote ref HCC/2021/0787
★ Letter: Hampshire County Council, Strategic Planning, Economy, Transport & Environment Dept, Elizabeth ll Court West, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD. Quote ref HCC/2021/0787

January 2022:

The River Hamble Harbour Boards Strategic Vision and Plan 2022 – 2024 has been published. Of interest is point 19:

The RHHB aspires to manage the space available for all categories of Harbour users and to give due consideration to ‘zoning’ of activities where practicable. Optimal use of space has not yet involved the clearing of moorings from specific areas but may do so and the RHHB accepts that moorings elsewhere may need to be reconfigured to accommodate displaced boats. The RHHB will, where appropriate, seek the agreement of the Crown Estate to this. Competition for space is not limited to the water and the RHHB recognises the importance of adequate facilities for car and trailer parking and will maintain a dialogue with local planning authorities to encourage the inclusion of parking issues on their agendas. The RHHB wishes to encourage access to the facilities of the River for boat users of all means.